If you are running a server with data of any value, you should try your best to afford ECC RAM.

Its more than correcting single bit errors; at least your machine will halt when memory errors are detected, instead of
silently corrupting data. In a nutshell, if you care about your data, use ECC.

If you are running a checksumming filesystem like ZFS consider use of ECC RAM to be a MUST.

AMD Processors

ECC will be suported if CPU, Chipset and Bios supports ECC functionality. Most modern AMD AM3+ CPU’s support ECC. Most AMD chipsets (like 760G) also do.

You need to check if Bios Supports too. If not, you may try to see if linux kernel can help you support it.
For AMD motherboards, ASUS explicitly says that they support ECC RAM. So if you plan on using ECC check out ASUS.
Motherboards from others like Gigabyte may support ECC but they don’t say it explicitly on their site (may be for marketing reasons).

Per [different][asrock2] [sources][asrock1] ECC works well on ASRock boards.

We recommned you double-check by downloading the motherboard manual and see if it actually supports ECC functions.


Ryzen in general [supports][amd-ama] and use ECC. Ryzen APUs do not support ECC. Raven Ridge-based Processors do NOT support ECC.

Check ECC Support on Windows

You can [check][win-ecc-check] if your Windows instalation is actually using ECC by running the following:

Run CMD as Admin.
wmic MEMORYCHIP get DataWidth,TotalWidth

If the TotalWidth value is larger than the DataWidth value you then you have ECC memory working.
